Manage External Authentications

Manage External Authentications

The Manage External Authentications interface allows you to manage the OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers that your server's users can use to log in to cPanel, WHM, or Webmail.


  • You can link one or more external accounts to one or more cPanel accounts, WHM accounts, or Webmail accounts.

  •  If you link to an external account through an identity provider that has two-factor authentication enabled, you must also authenticate through that identity provider in addition to any two-factor authentication that you configure on your server.

Configure and enable authentication method

To add an authentication method for a cPanel service, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Configuration tab.

  2. In the desired identity provider's row, click Configure. A new interface will appear.

  3. Enter the identity provider's configuration settings in the appropriate text boxes.
    • Most OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers require Client ID, Client Secret, and   entries.

  4. Click Save. The list of identity providers will appear.

  5. Click the appropriate switch to toggle the identity provider for a service from Disabled to Enabled.

To disable an identity provider for a service, click the appropriate switch to toggle the provider from Enabled to Disabled.


  • If you remove an identity provider, the system will revoke access for all credentials that require that method.

  • The system will automatically disable missing or misconfigured identity provider modules.
  • If you use change your server's hostname, you must update the Redirection URI settings in the configuration settings at the identity provider's site to reflect the new hostname.


Your server will automatically configure cPanelID and populate that identity provider with the necessary Client ID and Client Secret from the license server when you perform a cPanel Update (upcp).

Manage credentials

The Credentials section of the interface lists cPanel services accounts and the external authentication credentials with which they are associated.

  1. Click the Manage Users tab.

  2. Click Manage in the appropriate row for that user and service.

  3. Click Unlink next to the appropriate account.

  4. Click Unlink to confirm that you wish to revoke the account.
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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