Copy a Locale

Copy a Local 

This interface allows you to duplicate a locale in to a standard locale or a non-standard locale. 


Copy a locale into a standard locale

To copy a locale into a standard locale, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the original locale from the Duplicate Locale menu.


    The ☃ cPanel Snowmen ☃ - i_cpanel_snowmen locale is not for general use. Theme customizers and third-party developers can use this locale to test cPanel & WHM's localization system against their customizations. For more information, or for help if you selected this theme accidentally, read our The Snowman Locale documentation.

  2. Select Standard locale.
  3. Select a locale from the Standard locale menu.
  4. Click Duplicate. The system will redirect you to a new interface.
  5. Click Click here to download to download the duplicate in XML format, or click upload it here to edit the copy's XML.

Copy a locale into a non-standard locale

To copy a locale into a non-standard locale, perform the following steps:

  1. Select an original locale from the Duplicate Locale menu.


    The ☃ cPanel Snowmen ☃ - i_cpanel_snowmen locale is not for general use. Theme customizers and third-party developers can use this locale to test cPanel & WHM's localization system against their customizations. For more information, or for help if you selected this theme accidentally, read our The Snowman Locale documentation.

  2. Select Non standard locale.
  3. Enter a name for the copy, prefixed with the i_ tag, in the appropriate boxes.


    An i_ tag is a standard way to create, identify, and work with a non-standard locale. It consists of a code prefixed with the letter i, followed by an underscore (_).

  4. Select the options from the Fallback Locale, Number Formatting, and Character Orientation menus.


    When an i_ tag's lexicon does not have a phrase, the tag will reference the locale that is set to Fallback to find the phrase there.

  5. Click Duplicate. The system will redirect you to a new interface.
  6. Click Click here to download to download the duplicate in XML format, or click upload it here to edit the copy's XML.


If a desired locale is not present, click rebuild the locale databases to update the list of locales.

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