MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade

MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade

This interface allows you to manage MySQL® or MariaDB® version upgrades (for example, when you upgrade from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6). After you select your MySQL or MariaDB version, WHM automatically keeps your database engine up-to-date. This means, for example, that whenever the vendor releases a new patch for your version of MySQL or MariaDB, WHM automatically apply the patch to your installation.


  • We strongly recommend that you back up your database before you upgrade your database or change to MariaDB.
  • This feature does not support downgrades of database engine versions. We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to downgrade MySQL or MariaDB.
  • The system considers MariaDB to be an upgrade to MySQL. If you change the database engine to MariaDB, you cannot change back to MySQL.
  • If CloudLinux's™ MySQL Governor exists on your server, MySQL upgrades will not work via the MySQL Upgrade interface. If you wish to remove MySQL Governor, read CloudLinux's MySQL Governor documentation and research how this affects you.



  • If your server uses a version of MySQL that is older than MySQL version 5.5, you must upgrade to MySQL version 5.5 before you can upgrade to MySQL version 5.6.
  • Your cPanel & WHM server must run CentOS, CloudLinux™, or Red Hat® Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 or higher, or Amazon Linux, to upgrade the database server from MySQL to MariaDB. You cannot upgrade to MariaDB on a server that uses CentOS, CloudLinux, or RHEL 5.


Available versions

The following versions of MySQL are available:

  • MySQL 5.5
  • MySQL 5.6

The following version of MariaDB is available:

  • MariaDB 10.0

Upgrade MySQL or MariaDB

To upgrade your server's version of MySQL or MariaDB, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the version of MySQL or MariaDB that you wish to upgrade.
  2. Click Next. A new interface will appear with warning messages about the upgrade process.


    The system validates the /etc/my.cnf file during the upgrade.

  3. Select the checkbox next to each warning to acknowledge that you are aware of the potential consequences of the upgrade.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Select the type of upgrade that you wish to perform:
    • Unattended Upgrade — This option automatically rebuilds Apache and PHP with the last saved defaults. It also automatically updates Ruby Gems and rebuilds Apache and PHP.

    • Partially-Interactive Upgrade — This option automatically updates Ruby Gems, but it does not rebuild Apache and PHP until you choose to do so.

    • Interactive Upgrade — This option steps you through the upgrade process. This process includes the update of Ruby Gems, the upgrade of MySQL or MariaDB, and the rebuild of Apache and PHP.

  6. The upgrade process interface appears.

    • Select or deselect the Autoscroll output checkbox to change whether the output display scrolls as the upgrade runs.

    • When the upgrade finishes, the interface displays the following message:

      Upgrade finished successfully.


      You must now recompile any software on your system that depended on the old version of MySQL or MariaDB so that it is compatible with the new version.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. Your server checks whether you must recompile any Ruby Gems. Follow the displayed instructions, and then click Continue.

  9. Select one of the following options to rebuild Apache and PHP:
    • Rebuild Apache and PHP using saved settings — Choose this option to rebuild Apache and PHP with the last settings that you used. If you choose this option, the Apache and PHP rebuild process runs within the MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade interface.
    • Rebuild Apache and PHP with new settings — Choose this option to rebuild Apache and PHP with new settings. If you choose this option, the EasyApache 3 interface (Home >> Software >> EasyApache 3) appears so you that may complete the rebuild process.

MySQL upgrade log

The system stores the MySQL and MariaDB log files in the /var/cpanel/logs directory. 

The log files use the mysql_upgrade_log.YYYYMMDD-hhmmss naming convention with the following designators:

YYYY Four-digit year.
MM Two-digit month.
DD Two-digit day.
hh Two-digit hour.
mm Two-digit minute.
ss Two-digit second

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