View Mail Statistics Summary

View Mail Statistics Summary

               This interface displays statistics about the mail that your server sends and receives over a period of time. The date range for these statistics displays at the top of the interface.


You cannot reset mail statistics.

Mail Statistics Summary

The interface divides the list into the following sections:

Grand total summary

This section displays statistics about the total number of messages that your server sends and receives, and all of the accounts that your server hosts. 

The interface displays this information across seven columns:

  • TOTAL — Whether the data corresponds to received or delivered mail.
  • Volume — The total size of the messages, in kilobytes (KB).
  • Messages — The total number of messages.
  • Addresses — The total number of addresses that receive or send mail.


    Due to an error in the eximstats process, this data may be incorrect.
  • Hosts — The total number of unique domains that send or receive mail.
  • At least one addr Delayed — The number of messages with at least one recipient whose mail server delayed the message.
  • At least one addr Failed — The number of messages with at least one recipient whose mail server rejected the message.

Deliveries by Transport

This section displays statistics in three groups about the mail that your mail transfer agent (MTA) delivers:

  • local_delivery — Messages that the system delivered from one user on your server to another user on your server.
  • remote_smtp — Messages that the system delivered from a user on your server to a user on another server.
  • virtual_userdelivery — Messages that the system forwarded from a virtual user on your server to a real user. This occurs if you set up a mail forwarder.

For each of these three types of sent mail, the section displays two categories:

  • Volume — The total size of delivered messages.
  • Messages — The total number of delivered messages.

Messages received per hour

This section displays the number of messages that your server received per hour over the last day. Use this section to determine the times when your traffic is highest.

Deliveries per hour

This section displays the number of messages that your server delivered per hour over the last day. Use this section to determine the times when your traffic is highest.

Time spent on the queue: all messages

This section displays the amount of time that messages waited in your mail queues before the server delivered them. 

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Time statistics section below.

Time spent on the queue: messages with a least one remote delivery

These statistics display the amount of time messages waited in your outgoing mail queue before the system delivered them to remote addresses.

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Time statistics section below.

Relayed messages

This section displays statistics about mail that the system sent from your server to remote destinations. 


Do not allow your server to operate as an open relay. Exim is not an open relay because it requires authentication for the system to send outbound messages. Messages that this section displays under Relayed Messages do not indicate that the server is an open relay.

Top 50 mail rejection reason by message count

This section displays the top 50 reasons why your server rejects email messages.

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Incoming mail statistics section below.

Top 50 sending hosts by message count

This section displays the 50 domains that send the most messages to or from your server. The “local” host or domain represents all mail that your server sends. All other sending hosts are remote domains that send mail to your server.

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Incoming mail statistics section below.

Top 50 sending hosts by volume

This section displays the 50 domains that send the most data to or from your server. The “local” host or domain represents all mail that your server sends. All other sending hosts are remote domains that send mail to your server.

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Incoming mail statistics section below.

Top 50 local senders by message count

This section displays the 50 accounts that your server hosts that send the most messages.


This statistic only includes outgoing mail.

Top 50 local senders by volume

This section displays the 50 accounts that your server hosts that send the highest amount of outgoing data.

The interface displays this information across four columns. For more information, read the Incoming mail statistics section below.


This statistic only includes outgoing mail.


Top 50 host destinations by message count

This section displays the 50 domains that receive the most messages from your server. 

The interface displays this information across five columns. For more information, read the Outgoing mail statistics section below.

Top 50 host destinations by volume

This section displays the 50 accounts that your server hosts that send the highest amount of outgoing data via email.

The interface displays this information across five columns. For more information, read the Outgoing mail statistics section below.


This statistic only includes outgoing mail.

Top 50 local destinations by message count

This section displays the 50 domains that receive the most messages from your server.

The interface displays this information across five columns. For more information, read the Outgoing mail statistics section below.

Top 50 local destinations by volume

This section displays the 50 addresses on your server that receive the most data via email.

The interface displays this information across five columns. For more information, read the Outgoing mail statistics section below.

Top 50 rejected ips by message count

This section displays the 50 IP addresses that sent the most rejected email messages to your server.

List of errors

This section lists the errors that your mail server encounters, and with the total number of errors.

Mail statistics columns

Time statistics

  • Time — The amount of time that the messages waited for the system to deliver them. 
    Messages — The number of messages that the system delivered.
    • Under 1m – The system delivered the messages in under a minute.
    • 1h – The system delivered the messages in over a minute, but under an hour.
    • 1d – The system delivered the messages in over an hour, but under 24 hours.
    • Over 1d — The system delivered the messages after 24 hours or more.
  • Percentage — The percentage of messages that the system delivered in a specific amount of time.
  • Cumulative Percentage — The percentage of messages that the system delivered in a specific amount of time.

Incoming mail statistics

  • Messages — The total number of messages that the account sent.
  • Bytes — The total amount of data, via email, that the account sent.
  • Average — The average message size that the account sent.
  • Sending host — The name of the account that sends messages (for example, user).
    • The root user represents the server’s root mail account (
    • The mailnull user represents system-generated messages such as failure notices.

Outgoing mail statistics

  • Messages — The total number of messages that the server sent.
  • Addresses — The total number of addresses that received email from the server.


    Due to an error in the eximstats process, this data may be incorrect.
  • Bytes — The total amount of data, via email, that the server sent.
  • Average — The average message size that the server sent.
  • Host Destination — The name of the domain that receives messages (for example:
    • local — The destination is on the server.
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